Control Electronic Appliances

Automate your electronic appliances

Home automation is gradually but surely making inroads in to households. Automation is designed for convenience, safety, comfort, and economy. Home appliances include security solutions, lighting, climate control, audio-video, and curtains control. Automatic control for home appliances is directed at enhancing life. With multiple categories of automated items it becomes a tough task in monitoring all these simultaneously.

Integration of different automation systems

Usually each category of item has a separate controlling unit in the form of a panel. These panels are either wall mounted or hand held. It is also possible to control home appliances with smart phone. These controls are programmable and could be monitored by any member of your family after a couple of rounds of training. Automation of different processes involves thorough understanding of your home interiors. It needs to be in mind that automation is directed at easing life and not making it complicated.

For instance, if you have installed an automated climate control for your home interiors it should ideally be complemented with a curtain control system. For a house in Gurgaon, a place which gets exceptionally hot during summer months, your climate control system would be automatically pressurized in the absence of curtain control. A curtain control would ensure unfolding of blinds during day time keeping the interiors shady. With a shaded interior your automated air conditioning equipment would be pressurized less thereby saving on energy consumption and hence your billings. Similarly, automated entertainment system should be complemented with a lighting system. When a movie begins playing you could have your lights turn dimmer.

Setting up a comprehensive control

A comprehensive control could be set up in any convenient place of your home or it could even be done with the assistance of a smart phone. Smartphone control home appliances are easier to monitor as the controlling device is familiar. Our trainers provide complete orientation of any new automated product installed in your home. These training or orientation sessions are undertaken with extreme care so that its functioning is properly understood.

SMART remote control for home appliances is programmable as per your preference. We guide you to effectively use these controls so that there is no wastage of energy and all sources are used optimally.